Miebach Consulting

Supply chains that move at the speed of your business


End-to-end solutions for all
your supply chain needs


There’s no greater challenge than building a supply chain that connects every part of your business.
To get it right, you need an intelligent network that considers every interdependency in your business to take you from one touchpoint to the next. We partner with companies to build supply chains for a digital world, working from a holistic understanding of your business to create solutions that respond directly to your strategic and technical needs.
By integrating with your team to understand the flow of your business and the challenges at hand, we can evaluate your business model, evolve it in line with your goals, and build integrated supply chains that connect your business from end to end.
The result? Supply chains that pave the way to a more economical, resilient, and sustainable future so you can meet employee- and customer needs, head-on.


Real-world strategies that reshape your future

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The engineering expertise to design progress

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Specialized digital integrations that harness the power of data

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HTW Strategy
cristova Engineering
Scharfsinn Digital

Industries we work with

From warehouse automation
to shopfloor transformation


Our work spans across continents and industries, with comprehensive capabilities and expert teams that keep you at the forefront of your field.


Who we serve

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Miebach Insights

One-to-One Meetings & Exhibition Event for Packaging, Logistics, Storage, Handling, and Last-Mile Delivery Solutions!

LogiMAT India 2025

Episode 47 - The Great Transformation: Steering Logistics Toward Profit and Precision

Leadership Transition at Miebach Germany: Frank Sonnefeld Appointed COO, Succeeding Dr. Wolfram Süssenguth