Miebach Consulting

Miebach launches survey on Supply Chain Risk Management study


Miebach Consulting launches the survey for the newest edition of the Supply Chain Risk Management market study which was first published in 2019. Participation in the online questionnaire (link) is valid until February 15th, 2023.

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These days, risks are almost an everyday occurrence; demands for flexible and more resilient supply chains have increased. In addition, there are strict regulations on the horizon that will put companies and their supply chains under pressure in regard to human rights and environmental issues. If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that risk management is indispensable for companies to be able to navigate safely through difficult times.

Further information

In the first edition of the 2019 study, disruptions due to complex supply chain structures were named as the main risk drivers.  Aim of the new survey is to evaluate  measures that have proven to be successful over the past 12 months and to highlight the relevance that companies appoint to this topic today.


The results of the study are intended to show medium term trends in the market and provide sound information. Answering the online questionnaire (link) takes about 15 minutes. The results will be evaluated anonymously and sent to each study participant upon request.


For question, please contact Daniel Simon (email: simon@miebach.com) or Tim Wagner (email: wagnert@miebach.com).


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Wiebke Tillmanns

Senior Manager Marketing & PR

+49 69 273992-36

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