Miebach Consulting

Chemical Logistics Study 2024 - Act Now to be Prepared

13.09.2024 | Article in CHEManager 03/2024 | By Dr. Klaus-Peter Jung, Miebach


It seems that the current tense economic situation in the chemical industry has come at an inopportune time – major challenges with a great need for action are currently being amplified by cost pressure and an overall economical downturn. But right now it is important to set the course for a successful restart after overcoming the current dip!


These are some of the key findings of the 2024 Supply Chain and Logistics Chemical Study of Solventure, Aimms and Miebach, which deals with current key trends and challenges, the use of digitalization and AI, as well as how to plan in the European chemical industry.



Read more in CHEManager 3/2024:
Link to the article


If you are interested in the study report, please fill out the form on the following page:

Miebach Chemical Logistics Study 2024


Source: CHEManager International

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