Miebach Consulting

The Art of Tendering


Episodio 17

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Every time Richard Nachar and César Rodríguez send out an offer for a tender project from Miebach Consulting Group, their biggest competitor is not another agency — it is the customer themselves.


Customers almost always have doubts when considering outsourcing to a third party because addressing the tendering process seems like a way to save budget. As Supply Chain Consultant and Senior Consultant, respectively, at Miebach, they firmly believe that outsourcing provides objective viewpoints and guidance. At the end of the day, customers end up saving time and money — because it cuts the sales pitches and bias. Consultants quickly become integral assets to the tendering process while forming long-term partnerships.


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CANUSA Wood Ellen CV

Canadá Estados Unidos

Ellen Wood

Mánager de Marketing

+1 317 423-3126

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