Miebach Consulting

Topping-out ceremony for the Bavarian State Opera's central warehouse


On June 19, the Bavarian State Opera celebrated the topping-out ceremony of its new warehouse with many prominent visitors from politics and business. All decorations and requisites for stage performances of the Bavarian State Opera will be manufactured and stored in this future warehouse location in Poing, near Munich.


The 35-million Euro project of the Free State of Bavaria is scheduled for completion at the end of 2023 and opening in 2024. Miebach Consulting is responsible for the development of the logistics concept and is leading the realization of this extraordinary high-bay warehouse.

Abb 1 Quelle RIKO Gallery

For all productions of the State Opera, stage designs and requisites have to be stored well and safely in order to be able to be retrieved and used again when needed. Intendant Serge Dorny explains, "We are one of the largest repertory houses in the world, showing different productions several times and alternating old and new ones." Currently, he says, the State Opera has more than 60 opera productions and about 40 ballet productions and about 12 to 14 containers are needed for storage and transportation for each production.

Abb 2 Quelle RIKO Gallery
Abb 3 Quelle RIKO Gallery

More information

The warehouse will provide space for about 450 cages of deconstructed stage sets and decorations, bringing the State Opera's storage together into one central location in Poing. 


The 10-meter long and up to 6-ton cage containers with the stage decorations are delivered by special trucks of the Bavarian State Opera and transferred on rollers to the associated shipping area of the hall. From there, a stacker crane takes over the automated storage of the cage box containers in the levels of the high-bay warehouse.


The steel racking system forms the load-bearing structure of the huge building and thus also the framework for the facade and the roof. A photovoltaic system will be installed on an area of around 4,000 square meters to supply the workshops' own electricity needs. The automated high-bay warehouse will have a total storage volume of around 28,000 cubic meters.

About the project

Christian Bauersfeld, Principal, Miebach Consulting, says of the project:


A coordinated, automated system is required for the storage of the stage decorations, which are housed in custom-made containers, in order to meet the specific requirements of the special-format parts. A very individual concept and the excellent cooperation with the executing company, the responsible project managers of the building authority, the opera, as well as the other project participants currently guarantees the successful implementation and a smooth start of the realization. We are looking forward to the handover for use in early 2024!"


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Wiebke Tillmanns

Senior Manager Marketing & PR

+49 69 273992-36

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