Miebach Consulting

Case Study: Short term Cost Reduction in Logistics


Client: Chemical Company



The Clients trusted long-term relationship with its accustomed warehouse operator and transport partner at HQ production site resulted in no real re-tendering and negotiations over the years.


Consequently, this has given rise to multiple production sites with independently functioning logistics operations, leading to a state of disarray in coordinating customer shipments.


The utilization of multiple transport partners across diverse production sites, coupled with the involvement of several external warehouses, has introduced a heightened level of complexity, unwarranted redundancy, and a multitude of disparate tariff structures. On top of that, the Main Logistics Partner overseeing both transportation and warehouse operations asked for tariff increase citing inflation and other pertinent factors.


Furthermore, the client has neglected any emphasis on the CO2 footprint in their logistics operations, indicating an oversight in addressing environmental sustainability. But the most pressing issue: our client faced significant quality problems in Warehouse Operations caused by their chosen 3rd Party Logistics Provider.

Time Line


Implementation new Transport Service Provider, External Warehouse Partner and Insourcing and DC


Make-or-Buy Analysis

of DC Operations due to warehouse operations offers received during tender process


Re-tendering and Awarding New Shipment Structure

Consolidation groupage shipments at one LSP, centralization of external warehouses


Analysis of Current Shipment Structure and Tariffs:

separations of parcel shipments, weekly consolidation of customer shipments, consolidation of container shipments, Multi-production site X-Dock, etc.



of AS IS Tariffs mainly for transportation at HQ production site effective as from 01.01.2023

Results & Value Proposition

Achieving the optimal consolidation of customer shipments has yielded substantial reductions in both transportation costs and CO2 emissions. By centralizing and consolidating logistic activities in both central and external DCs, logistics cost savings of an astonishing 19% have been realized, accompanied by a welcomed reduction in overall operational complexity and warehouse partners.


The strategic decision to insource Warehouse Operations has proven to be a triple win, effectively curbing costs, simplifying processes, and mitigating customer complaints. This move not only contributes to heightened customer service standards but also enhances operational flexibility, underscoring a commitment to efficiency and excellence in service delivery.

- 22% in Road Transport Costs


- 14% effective in 2023 for the renegotiated share

- further 15% on overall re-tendered volume

- 2% of overall transport costs by parcel separation

- 3 - 4% by shipment consolidation

- 14% in Warehouse Operations Costs

Centralization of external w
arehouses plus Insourcing of DC Finished Goods; not considered further cost reduction by reduced complexity, less control effort, improved quality

- 9 % in Container Costs

via consolidation of volumes – no further impact of tariffs included

- 20% in Last Mile CO2

Reduction via c
ustomer shipment consolidation


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Dr. Klaus-Peter Jung


+49 172 6660152