Miebach Consulting

Miebach Consulting and DLL enter into a strategic partnership


Investments in supply chain and logistics have shot up exponentially over the last few years. In order to improve supply chain resilience and better manage complexity, companies are increasingly investing in real estate, new equipment or technology and digitalization of data and processes – which can quickly add up to an eight-digit price tag.


In order to provide clients with financial support within the project, Miebach Consulting enters into a strategic partnership with DLL, a global asset finance company for equipment and technology.

Value-added partnership

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Miebach Consulting and DLL add value by financing and realizing logistics projects

In supply chain and logistics projects the aspect of financing the investment is an integral success factor and should be addressed right from the start to not become a roadblock for implementation. Therefore, we are very glad to enhance the one-stop-shop experience for our clients by providing the comprehensive financial expertise and services of our partner DLL,”


says Jürgen Hess, CEO, Miebach Consulting Group.


Both firms share a full understanding of the logistics ecosystem and related complexities and have a widespread global footprint, making it possible that projects around the globe can be ideally supported. DLL offers a complete range of financing solutions for entire ventures including progress payments, software, equipment and installation costs, another value add for clients in all project phases.

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A holistic business case enables shorter pay-back times


Funding intralogistics is much more than just providing money. By combining the key strengths of Miebach and DLL, we enable companies to invest into the most beneficial technology for their business and to realize their automation projects time and cost-effectively,”


says Marco Wagner, Global Head of Intralogistics at DLL.




Together with DLL, we are able to provide a genuine 360 degrees business case, including financing options as early as possible into the project. This will help logistics and supply chain executives to implement projects with a 30-50% higher chance driven by shorter pay-back times,”


says Marcel Reinhardt, Global Head of Supply Chain Financing.


For more information about this partnership please contact Marcel Reinhardt (reinhardt@miebach.com). 

About DLL

DLL is a global asset finance company for equipment and technology with a managed portfolio of more than EUR 35 billion.


Founded in 1969 and headquartered in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, DLL provides financial solutions to the Materials Handling, Intralogistics, Transportation, Industrial, Construction, Agriculture, Food, HealthcareClean Technology, Office Equipment and Technology industries in more than 25 countries. DLL partners with equipment manufacturers, integrators, consultancy agencies, real estate companies and equipment users to enable businesses to more easily access equipment, technology and software.
DLL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rabobank Group.




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Wiebke Tillmanns

Senior Manager Marketing & PR

+49 69 273992-36

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