Miebach Consulting

What are the success factors in logistics outsourcing? Invitation to take part in the study


In cooperation with the Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung (DVZ), Miebach Consulting is launching the ninth edition of our outsourcing study for logistics experts from manufacturing, retail, and the service provider sectors and invites them to participate in the online survey until February 28, 2023. 

This year, we would like to focus on the contributing factors of a successful outsourcing realization phase. In addition, we have included new criteria in the survey that could be relevant for the awarding decision, such as the ESG aspects for addressing sustainable economic activity"


- says Dr. Klaus-Peter Jung, Partner, Miebach Consulting.   

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The study on outsourcing has been conducted by Miebach Consulting at regular intervals for over 25 years. The aim of the study is to identify the current status, criteria, procedures, and success components of logistics outsourcing as well as long-term developments and changes.  


Participation in the survey takes about 15 minutes. The results will be analyzed completely anonymously and sent to each respondent upon request. 

The following links will take you to the questionnaires geared to specific industry sectors: 


- Link to: Questionnaire for manufacturing and retail


- Link to: Questionnaire for logistics service providers


If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Marshall (e-mail: marshall@miebach.com). 


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Wiebke Tillmanns

Senior Manager Marketing & PR

+49 69 273992-36

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