Miebach Consulting

Team in Germany

Meet our team in Germany

DEU Friedland Reiner

Germany |

Dr. Reiner Friedland
Principal - Production & Factory Planning

DEU Grasedyck Ole

Germany |

Ole Grasedyck
Senior Principal

DEU Greschke Michael AM Homepage v1

Germany |

Michael Greschke

DEU Hartwig Andreas AM mit Krawatte Homepage

Germany |

Andreas Hartwig

DEU Herz Nico

Germany |

Dr. Nico Herz
Senior Principal

DEU Hoffmann Ralf ohne Krawatte AM Homepage

Germany |

Ralf Hoffmann
Global Head of Marketing

DEU Jung Klaus Peter AM Homepage

Germany |

Dr. Klaus-Peter Jung

DEU Krebs Thomas

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Germany |

Thomas Krebs
Senior Principal and Head of Supply Chain Planning & Execution

DEU Maasmann Julian

Germany |

Julian Maasmann
Senior Principal

DEU Miebach Moritz Homepage

Germany |

Moritz Miebach
Senior Principal

DEU Mueller Dauppert Bernd AM Homepage

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Germany |

Prof. Dr. Bernd Müller-Dauppert
Member of the Management Board, Head of Business Unit Business Excellence

DEU OBrien Sarah revised

Germany |

Sarah O’Brien
Human Resources Manager

DEU Rohde Dirk

Germany |

Dirk Rohde
Senior Principal

DEU Schuehle Jochen

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Germany |

Jochen Schühle
CEO Miebach Consulting GmbH - Member of the Group Management and Advisory Board

DEU Sonnefeld Frank

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Germany |

Frank Sonnefeld
Member of the Management Board

DEU Sponheimer Achim

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Germany |

Achim Sponheimer
Director, Global Head of Pharma & Life Sciences

DEU Stoermer Andreas

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Germany | Switzerland |

Andreas Störmer
Managing Director at suisseplan Ingenieure AG Logistik, a Miebach Company

DEU Suessenguth Wolfram

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Germany |

Dr. Wolfram Süssenguth
Managing Director

GER Tillmanns Wiebke AM Homepage

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Germany |

Wiebke Tillmanns
Senior Manager Marketing & PR

DEU Waterinckx Alex

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Germany |

Alex Waterinckx
Head of Services – BU Excellence, Leader Centre of Excellence S&OP

DEU Wegerer Michael

Germany |

Michael Wegerer
Partner, Business Development Industrial Products & Mobility Solutions

GER Weigl Frank

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Germany |

Frank Weigl
Member of the Management Board

GER Wibbe Christian AM Homepage v2

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Germany |

Christian Wibbe
Member of the Management Board - Head of Business Unit Industrial Products & Mobility Solutions

DEU Willberger Timo

Germany |

Timo Willberger
Business Development Manager

DEU Zimmermann Jens v1 hohe Aufloesung gewaehlt

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Germany |

Dr. Jens Zimmermann
Head of Simulation & Branch Manager