Miebach Consulting

Unlocking Efficiency and Ergonomics



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How much more efficient could your workforce become with ideal ergonomic conditions? Imagine a warehouse employee that must walk around a piece of machinery countless times a day, leading to thousands of non-productive steps. What about an employee that must bend over each time they need to pick up material? This employee experiences nonergonomic conditions, slowing their workflow with each bend.


Now imagine there was a way to obtain that massive amount of data to analyze it. This is precisely what Sascha Kaczmarek, the Co-Founder and COO of Motion Miners, had in mind for their industrial wearables. These aren’t your everyday smartwatches. These data-heavy wearables track key performance indicators, bringing a smorgasbord of data to leaders looking to make efficient, ergonomic changes — all while maintaining data security and employee privacy.


By using the data industrial wearables provide, leaders can build an ergonomically sound workplace, boosting efficiency and employee satisfaction and productivity.


Podcast Host

CANUSA Wood Ellen CV

Canadá Estados Unidos

Ellen Wood

Mánager de Marketing

+1 317 423-3126

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