Miebach Consulting

SCIENZA: A dream come true: The new Hornos Distribution Center


Scienza is an Argentinian leader in the commercialization, distribution, and management of medicines for oncological treatments, antiretroviral drugs, transplants, special therapies, among other high-cost and complex treatments.


In 2017, the implementation of the "Hornos" Distribution Center began in a historically protected building that has more than 5000 m2. located in the neighborhood of Barracas, in the heart of Buenos Aires. The project, which Miebach Consulting supported from the design to its final implementation, addressed the following main challenges:


  • Architectural works for the restoration and adaptation of the building, declared national historical heritage
  • Automation of all internal operational processes of the DC
  • Implementation of a WMS system


The quality of service was the main reason that led Scienza to develop a project of this magnitude and complexity; in the management and distribution of these type of treatments, the "margin of error must be 0" and, based on this premise, the new fully automated operation was designed. The Hornos DC has decanting stations, two automatic tray warehouses (cold and dry), picking and packaging stations, and a final order sorter according to the distribution routes. Additionally notable:


  • Traceability by trace number of each drug, from reception to final dispatch.
  • Traceability of the cold chain of each order, from the moment of closing the packaging to its delivery at the final destination (direct national distribution throughout the country).


In an interview with Eduardo Roqueta, president and founder of Scienza, we talked about his experience during the project and his vision for the future.



A dream with a business vision

The company was founded 21 years ago by four professionals who faced the great challenge of reinventing themselves by betting on an ideal they all shared.


We were born as a family business and our challenge was to ensure that this DNA would last over time and growth".


He says that the main purpose is to meet the needs of patients who need their medication in a timely manner to make their treatment effective and improve their quality of life. "Loyalty and commitment are with oneself and with the person to whom the medication is dispensed. Scienza has that: the collaborators have it in their DNA, they are proud of what they do," says Eduardo Roqueta, sharing the work culture of his team.


To achieve and maintain their ideal structure and work culture, he mentions that they decided to focus on two fundamental pillars: human resources and technology. He affirms that human resources, in addition to having human qualities, must have ongoing training and qualification. This commitment to training of leaders is so important since, at present, several people who manage different areas of the company began their careers with Scienza and have trained and developed into these positions as the company has grown.

The challenges of multiple implementations

in a complex context Many difficulties were encountered during the project: the declaration of the building as historical heritage, the constant fluctuations of the Argentine economy and its exchange rate, and the pandemic.


Despite the difficult times, I knew that the goal was what Scienza is today; that was the port I wanted to reach. Never when crossing the river can you look back, always forward."


Eduardo tells us, remembering all the critical and difficult moments where he always kept true to his conviction.


Eduardo highlights, as a success factor of the project, the commitment and teamwork of all those involved. And there, he points out the importance of Miebach in its role throughout the implementation, contributing methodology, experience and knowledge.


Miebach's support and role was very important; they were a fundamental part of the team. They managed to capture Scienza's DNA, ‘put on the shirt’ and integrate with the rest of the team to ensure the success and quality of the project."

Technology as a strategic ally for customer service and business growth

Scienza is constantly expanding:


It adapts, mutates, advances, moves, is in our culture... We wanted to keep growing and to keep growing, we had to insert all our operations within new technological parameters,” summarizes Eduardo, explaining his vision and the importance of technology in the development and growth of companies. “For us, technology did not seek to optimize what we did well, but rather to maximize the service."


In 2019, Scienza incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) so that repetitive tasks could be addressed through this resource. They insist that digitization, AI, and automation are a reality that is gaining space in industries of all kinds worldwide.


The advancement is day by day. That is why we constantly invest in innovation and technology, so that it can be a differentiating factor for Scienza in the market."


Eduardo closed the interview, sharing his pride for all the effort made and the satisfaction of having fulfilled his goal of having the new Hornos Distribution Center:


Hornos was a great dream come true. Today I want to be able to enjoy all this effort and for it to be the starting point to meet new challenges that are yet to come. Growth and expansion to new markets is what awaits us."

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